The Nantwich Tavern Survey


What was you favourite Nantwich pub like around 1960? The Nantwich Tavern Survey was carried out by graduate apprentices at Rolls Royce in Crewe around 1960. In the late 1950s Rolls Royce built accommodation for their graduate apprentices – their managers of the future. However, the council wouldn’t grant an alcohol licence for the accommodation, so some apprentices decided to do a review of all the pubs within easy reach. These reports are the result.

Read about the beer:

  • “If drunk with a clothes peg over the nose it is passable. Otherwise a foul odour.”

Read about the customers:

  • “One old dabber was a bit confused about some Poplar trees cut down about 36 years ago. He is also fond of the Browning .303 machine.”

And read about the buildings:

  • “Rather like disused monastery.”
  • Not a place to buy shares in.”
  • Not recommended except for taking Grandma out for a drink.”

A fascinating insight into how our ancestors lived.


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