Nantwich and Wheelock Turnpike Trust


This booklet, by Keith Lawrence, tells the story of the Turnpike Road between Nantwich and Wheelock. The road was important, as it formed a link between the Ellesmere and Chester Canal (now called the Shropshire Union), which served Nantwich, and the Trent & Mersey canal at Wheelock. The road also conveniently went through the area that later became Crewe station. The booklet contains a fascinating account of how Lord Crewe, following the announcement of an intended turnpike road from Stowford (about 2 miles southeast of Crewe, near Weston) to Crewe Station, was willing to provide the necessary funds for the road, on receiving a mortgage from the trustees! This (conveniently for the Crewe family) provided a handy route from Crewe Hall to Crewe Station. Lord Crewe then got them to get the road realigned – to give him more privacy at Crewe Hall from the road users. This book will be of interest to transport historians and local historians.

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