Leave a Gift in your Will

Leaving a legacy in your will is a wonderful way of ensuring that Nantwich Museum continues to be a place of learning, inspiration and enjoyment for future generations. We are extremely grateful for each and every gift we receive and thank you for considering supporting us in this way. Although we understand that some people may wish to remain anonymous, if you are considering supporting the Museum in this way, we would love for you to get in touch so that we can thank you.

Your gift could help us to:

  • Inspire the next generation through our learning programme.

We welcome over 2500 children each year to the Museum for a hands on experience where they can let their curiosity run wild as they explore, question and have fun whilst learning about where they live.

  • Enrich and care and for the Museum’s collection.

The Museum cares for over 5000 objects, that have a connection to the town or local person. Your gift could help preserve and conserve these important local objects which range from art works, trade equipment, personal items. It will also enable us to purchase others, often art work or jewellery, that is of local significance.

  • Develop exhibitions

Sharing stories allows us to inspire visitors and updating our displays and incorporating different ways of communicating this is important. For example, we are currently looking at how we can better tell the story of salt making in the town.

  • Deliver exciting programmes that bring the community together

Making connections with and supporting the local community is a key part of what we do. A Dementia Friendship Group runs and we regularly go out to deliver talks and programmes that involve different groups in the locality. Support could enable us to develop our outreach further.

  • Remain a welcoming and free entry community venue.

The impact of gifts:

We are, as a charity, highly dependent on donations and support from legacies. They enable us to keep the doors open and to embark on different projects that enable us to be the number one destination for people wanting to find out more about the history of Nantwich.

Legacy gifts in the past have enabled us to transform our gallery and embark on a programme of change including new display cases and essential improvements to the building.

We have also been able to employ a Learning and Engagement Officer who has been developing our informal and formal learning programmes.

How to leave a gift:

Please feel free to speak to us beforehand if you wish to find out more about the work of the Museum.

We recommend that you speak to a solicitor for personal and confidential up-to-date advice tailored to your needs.

Additional information:

Everyone’s situation is different but legacies to charities, like the Museum, can help to reduce tax on your estate. Your solicitor will be able to tell you more about the ways that charitable giving may reduce Inheritance Tax on your estate.

If you wish, you can remain anonymous and do not need to notify or give us any details.

You can indicate if the gift is to be used in a specific way or if you are happy for it to be used as felt most appropriate at that time.

Please follow the link here if you would like to learn of the impact of the Museum’s work in the last year.